How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back

Measuring and encouraging customer retention is important for businesses in many industries. There are a couple of great measures to see how you are doing in this area. We’ll explain those and provide some tactical tips in this article. Measuring Customer Retention The most common metric to measure customer retention is the customer retention ratio. […]

Why Are You in Business? Crafting Your Mission, Vision, and Values Statements

Most large businesses have developed mission, vision, and values statements to help guide them and inform stakeholders about the company’s strategic direction. Going through this strategic exercise is a wonderful idea for even the smallest business as well. A company’s mission statement lists its core purpose and desired impact for employees, customers, owners, and other […]

Test Your Financial Resilience

There’s more to being financially resilient than simply saving enough money for a rainy day. A part of being financially responsible is maintaining good financial records – and making sure people who need access to your records know where to find them if something happens to you. Here are some ideas for your consideration. Communicating […]